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Advanced Link

ACF Extended
Last Upated: Wednesday, Jan 31, 2024


The Advanced Link is a custom ACF Field Type made available by the Advanced Custom Fields Extended plugin.

Field Settings

Field Configuration

add_action( 'acf/include_fields', function() {
if ( ! function_exists( 'acf_add_local_field_group' ) ) {
"key": "my_field_group_",
"title": "My Field Group with acfe_advanced_link",
"show_in_graphql": 1,
"graphql_field_name": "myFieldGroupWithAcfeAdvancedLink",
"map_graphql_types_from_location_rules": 0,
"graphql_types": [
"fields": [
"key": "my_field_",
"label": "My Field",
"name": "my_field",
"type": "acfe_advanced_link",
"show_in_graphql": 1,
"graphql_field_name": "myFieldWithAcfeAdvancedLink"
"location": [
"param": "post_type",
"operator": "==",
"value": "page"

Types Added to the Schema

To support the Advanced Link field type in the GraphQL Schema, additional GraphQL Object Types and Interfaces are added to the Schema:

  • ACFE_AdvancedLink (interface): The interface implemented by the possible types an Advanced Link could return
  • ACFE_AdvancedLink_Url (object type): The Object Type resolved if the advanced link field links to a URL
  • ACFE_AdvancedLink_TermNode (object type): The Object Type resolved if the advanced link field links to a term.
  • ACFE_AdvancedLink_ContentNode (object type): The Object Type resolved if the advanced link field links to a Content Node (post).

Resolve Type

Fields of the "acfe_advanced_link" resolve to the "ACFE_AdvancedLink" Interface type.

This means that when querying for an advanced link field, the response will be one of the possible types that implement the ACFE_AdvancedLink interface (ACFE_AdvancedLink_Url, ACFE_AdvancedLink_TermNode, ACFE_AdvancedLink_ContentNode).